Тоже vs Также

The choice between two conjunctions “тоже” and “также” causes many mistakes despite the fact that a rule for the usage of these words is simple enough. Let’s consider a typical example of such a mistake: Я люблю смотреть фильмы, тоже я люблю слушать музыку. People learning Russian in this case used to translate English word…

What is the right way to use Russian verbs correctly?

Have you ever mistaken using a verb in Russian language? I think, you have, and maybe more than once, this is because the verb is the most difficult part of speech in Russian language. I often hear from the beginners such phrases as “я хочу ходить в кино вечером” instead of “я хочу пойти в кино…

Numbers In Russian: The Ultimate Guide

How often do we use numbers during the day? How often do we talk about time, distance, prices or the quantity of something else? Very often! numbers chase us everywhere: in a cafe, at work, while driving a car, at the gym, while meeting friends.     We pronounce them so often that we don’t…

Verbs of motion for all occasions!

So let’s talk about verbs of motion in the Russian language. This is a really important topic, as we use them very often in various situations every day. Nowadays we are living in a constant movement, and so when talking about ourselves, our family, work or any other subject, verbs of motion are always present…

How to stop floundering in Russian cases?

Russian language is not the easiest in the world. Everybody knows that. Nevertheless it seemed to me that its complexity is rather exaggerated, however, Russian grammar frightened many foreign students who had the desire, but did not take a chance to start training.     This small article is devoted to those brave people who…